Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Most of us are—but don’t even know it.

If you’re not making enough money, hate your job, are stuck in a bad relationship, or can’t do the things you love (like travel around the world), then pay close attention. This could be the greatest piece of wisdom you’ll ever hear.

Before I explain what it means to be a circus elephant, I think you should know that I started my first travel company five years ago (www.touritalynow.com) only after I realized that I was the quintessential circus elephant.

In fact, it was only after I discovered that I was a circus elephant that I began to change myself and become the financial success I am today. And now, as a personal development enthusiast (www.myintents.com), I want you to break free too.


Ever see a circus elephant anchored to the ground? A small chain fastens to a metal collar tied around the elephant’s leg. And the chain is attached to a small wooden peg driven into the ground.Sounds like a good way to keep the animal in place, right? Wrong! Why? Because as easily as you or I could snap a twig, that 15,000 pound elephant could yank that wooden peg right out of the ground or break that little chain in two.
But the elephant doesn't do that. Why not?
When the elephant was a baby, her trainers used the same collar/peg/chain method. At that young age, the contraption was indeed strong enough to prevent the animal from breaking away. And break away that elephant tried!
But pulling at that chain every day caused a cut to appear on the poor elephant’s leg, exposing the sore sensitive layers of skin and tissue, forming a deep wound. It hurt so bad that, realizing her effort was fruitless, the baby elephant stopped trying to escape.She never forgot that terrible experience, the poor elephant. And so, as an adult, whenever she was chained by her handlers, she knew she would never get away. "If I pull it will hurt. Besides, it's impossible to get away." The large elephant had what we might call an "assumed restraint."
Most of us don't realize it, but we suffer in life with this same terrible condition. We live our lives and pursue our careers restrained by our imprisoning mental beliefs of life’s limitations. We think many things are impossible—things we once thought possible. And we laugh at how foolish and immature our beliefs once were.
One of the ways to break this restraint we’ve all developed is to shift our beliefs, which isn’t an easy thing to do. But here’s something that might help…
…What if I told you that there exists a “sacred science” that’s based on certain incontrovertible laws…laws that allow every last one of us to “manifest our desires” seemingly out of thin air. Would you believe it? What if I also told you that once these laws are complied with, anyone can make their dreams a reality—with absolute certainty? Anyone, any dream.
You’re thinking, if this were true then everyone would know about it, right? Wrong! First it’s not for the profane masses…and second, it’s not for the weak or the ignorant.
This may sound like hocus pocus…mystical and esoteric… but it's an actual science like physics, geometry or algebra. Set aside your doubt for a moment and open your mind and listen, because you are about to learn a simple way to apply this science in a single facet of your life—namely, to elevate your career and or business.
You’re about to discover a powerful scientific method for creating lasting success…a mysterious ancient method taught by Homer, Socrates, Confucius, Shakespeare, Ghandi and countless other genius prophets and philosophers. A time-tested system you can start applying now to:
• generate greater income• do the things in life that you love• create greater harmony• stabilize your relationships (romances, family, friends)
These great thinkers were the spiritual Fords, Rockefellers and Carnegies of their day...and their secret will shock you.
In a nutshell—according to these thinkers—all we have to do is “intend” things to happen…because the power of our “intentions” will bring about change in our lives.
“A good intention clothes itself with power.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Our minds are unbelievably powerful. We tap that power when we consciously “intend” to be or do something. Start consciously setting an intention for everything important in your life.
Your intention might be to lose weight, get a new job, make more money, have better relationships—whatever it is, just do it!
When you set an intention, no matter how trivial it may appear, we are taking the time to choose what we want for ourselves.
“By becoming a conscious choice-maker, you begin to generate actions that are evolutionary for you.” - Deepak Chopra
We’ll go into this in more detail in future blogs, but for now start setting intentions for yourself…and watch things start to happen!
P.S. – Need help figuring our what your intentions are? Take 5 minutes right now and go to www.myintents.com...

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